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Create a namespace

Create a new namespace in an existing account.

Request Body
name string REQUIRED

Possible values: length ≤ 60

The namespace name. Use it to represent a department, team, or logical unit in your organization.

account_id integer REQUIRED

The ID of the account that will own this namespace


The operation was successful

id integer

A system-wide unique ID for the namespace

name string

Possible values: length ≤ 60

The namespace name

status array

Possible values: [active, inactive]

slug string

Possible values: length ≤ 60

An account-wide unique slug for the namespace

account_id integer

The ID of the account that owns this namespace

metadata object OPTIONAL

The metadata loaded via metadata api

key string OPTIONAL

The key of the metadata

value string OPTIONAL

The value of the metadata

additional_properties object OPTIONAL

Additional properties of the metadata

schemas array OPTIONAL

The json schemas of the metadata

tags object[] OPTIONAL
key string OPTIONAL
value string OPTIONAL