id uuid — OPTIONALUnique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID |
name string — OPTIONALPossible values: 1 ≤ length Name of the entity. Must be a non-empty string and not equal to null |
slug string — OPTIONALPossible values: 1 ≤ length Slug of the specification. Automatically generated from "name" |
created_at date — OPTIONAL |
updated_at date — OPTIONAL |
type string — OPTIONALPossible values: [create , update , delete , custom ] Type of the action. Should be one of the specified values in the ActionType enumeration |
parameters object — OPTIONALObject representing an attribute with a schema and associated values schema objectSpecification of the attribute schema. Must be a valid JSON Schema | values objectValues associated with the attribute. Must validate against provided schema |
results object — OPTIONALObject representing an attribute with a schema and associated values schema objectSpecification of the attribute schema. Must be a valid JSON Schema | values objectValues associated with the attribute. Must validate against provided schema |
service_specification_id — OPTIONALUnique identifier for the associated service specification |
link_specification_id — OPTIONALUnique identifier for the associated link specification |