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Version: 1.0.0


Endpoints Reference

This API gives access to a comprehensive suite of operations that encompass the entire CI lifecycle of your applications within nullplatform. Namely: creating and updating builds, plus creating and pushing assets for deployment. This API employs robust mechanisms to protect and safeguard all resources. Furthermore, it enables the secure delivery of application secrets, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential throughout the process. Whether you're an individual developer, part of a team, or an organization, this REST API offers a powerful toolset to seamlessly integrate third-party tools while maintaining a consistent, secure, and efficient CI/CD process within Nullplatform.

General Steps:

  1. Get Access Token: Use the /login endpoint to authenticate and receive an access token. Remember to include this token in the headers of your next API requests.
  2. Get Application Metadata: Use the /application endpoint to retrieve metadata for applications like application IDs, slugs, names, etc. based on specified query parameters. You will need this information for the next steps.
  3. Get Application Parameters: Use the /application/{id}/parameter endpoint to retrieve a list of parameters for a specific application by providing its ID. Use this parameters to build your application with custom variables or needed secrets.
  4. Create Build: Use the /build endpoint to create a new build for an application with the provided details. This will notify nullplatform that a new build is happening.
  5. Update Build Status: Use the /build/{id} endpoint to update the status of a specific build. Possible values for the status are in_progress, failed, or successful. In this stage you probably want to set the build as in_progress
  6. Create Asset for Build: Use the /build/{id}/asset endpoint to generate a new asset for a specific build. In response, you will receive URLs for remote repositories where you should upload your assets.
  7. Set Build as Successful: To mark a build as successful, ensure the status of the build is set to successful using the update build status endpoint and at least an asset exits for that particular build.

Keep in mind that the steps outlined above provide a general framework for interacting with nullplatform during the build process. It's important to incorporate any necessary intermediate steps for actually building the application using the provided information and pushing assets to remote repositories. Additionally, you have the option to integrate other steps into your build pipeline, such as code analysis tools, automated tests, and more.