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List categories

Get a paginated list of providers categories filter by type and other queries

Query Parameters
limit integer

Possible values: 1 ≤ value

Limits the number of results returned per page

offset integer

Specifies the offset for paginating through results

include string[]

Possible values: [sub_categories, parent, category_type]

Related resources to include in the response.

type string

Unique category type slug to filter by. i.e. "menu"

slug string

Unique category slug to filter by


Paginated list of categories

paging object
limit integer

Possible values: 1 ≤ value

Limits the number of results returned

offset integer

Specifies the offset for paginated results

results object[]
id uuid

Unique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID

name string

Name of the category

slug string

Unique slug for the category

icon string OPTIONAL

Icon for the category

description string OPTIONAL

Description of the category

parent_id uuid OPTIONAL

Unique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID

category_type_id uuid

Unique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID

category_type object OPTIONAL

Category type of the category

id uuid

Unique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID

name string

Name of the category type

slug string

Unique slug for the category type

description string OPTIONAL

Description of the category type

parent (circular) OPTIONAL

Parent category of the category

sub_categories (circular)[] OPTIONAL

Sub categories of the category

created_at date-time

Creation timestamp

updated_at date-time

Last update timestamp


Format for representing errors during API interactions

statusCode number

HTTP status code indicating the error

code string OPTIONAL

Unique error code for reference and categorization

error string

Short, human-readable error type or category

message string

Detailed error message providing additional context


Format for representing errors during API interactions

statusCode number

HTTP status code indicating the error

code string OPTIONAL

Unique error code for reference and categorization

error string

Short, human-readable error type or category

message string

Detailed error message providing additional context