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List parameters

List parameters by NRN

Path Parameters
nrn string REQUIRED

The NRN to which the parameter belongs



paging object OPTIONAL
offset integer OPTIONAL

The start of the paging window. Minimum is 0.

limit integer OPTIONAL

Maximum number of elements to retrieve per call. Maximum is 200.

total integer OPTIONAL

Total number of elements that can be retrieved

results object[] OPTIONAL
id integer

A system-wide unique ID representing the resource

nrn string

The NRN of the application to which the parameter belongs to

type string

Possible values: [environment, file]

encoding string

Possible values: [plaintext, base64]

variable string OPTIONAL

The name of the environment variable. Required when type = environment.

destination_path string OPTIONAL

The full path for file. Required when type = file

secret boolean

Possible values: [true, false]

'true' if the value is a secret, 'false' otherwise

read_only boolean

Possible values: [true, false]

'true' if the value is read only, 'false' otherwise

version_id integer

A system-wide unique ID representing the version of the parameter

values object[]
id integer

A system-wide unique ID representing the value

nrn string

The NRN of the application to which the parameter belongs to

created_at string

The ISO 8859 UTC date for this version creation

value string OPTIONAL

The content of the environment variable (only for environment variables, otherwise null). Also null for secrets.

location string OPTIONAL

The location of the file (only for files, otherwise null). Also null for secrets.