id integerA system-wide unique ID for the account |
name stringPossible values: length ≤ 60 |
slug stringPossible values: length ≤ 70 An organization-wide unique slug for the account |
organization_id integerThe ID of the organization that owns this account |
repository_provider stringPossible values: [github ] |
repository_prefix stringPossible values: length ≤ 40 |
status stringPossible values: [active , inactive ] |
metadata object — OPTIONALThe metadata loaded via metadata api key string — OPTIONAL | value string — OPTIONALThe value of the metadata | additional_properties object — OPTIONALAdditional properties of the metadata schemas array — OPTIONALThe json schemas of the metadata | tags object[] — OPTIONALkey string — OPTIONAL | value string — OPTIONAL |