id uuidUnique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID |
name stringName of the provider specification |
slug stringUnique slug for the provider specification |
icon string — OPTIONALIcon for the provider specification |
description string — OPTIONALDescription of the provider specification |
visible_to string[] — OPTIONALList of NRNs this specification is visible to |
schema objectJSON Schema for the provider specification.
This schema defines settings for any Nullplatform integrations.
It can also include custom JSON Schema keywords such as:
- tag (boolean): Marks a property as auto-taggable, automatically creating a tag with the property's value.
- secret (boolean): Marks a property as secret, ensuring the property’s value is never revealed.
- groups (array): Specifies configuration groups within the schema, automatically creating sections in the UI.
allow_dimensions booleanFlag to allow dimensions for this specification |
default_dimensions object — OPTIONALDefault dimensions for the provider specification |
tags object[] — OPTIONALTags associated with the providers key string | value string | id uuidUnique identifier for the entity represented as a UUID |
categories uuid[] — OPTIONALIDs of associated categories |
dependencies uuid[] — OPTIONALIDs of associated dependencies |
created_at date-time |
updated_at date-time |