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Using the nullplatform IaC provider

The nullplatform IaC provider allows you to manage your nullplatform resources using infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools, simplifying the process of automating and managing your infrastructure.


This guide is applicable for IaC tools such as Terraform and OpenTofu.


  1. To use the provider, add the following to your IaC configuration:

    terraform {
    required_providers {
    nullplatform = {
    source = "nullplatform/nullplatform"
    version = "x.y.z" // Replace with a specific version or omit to use the latest
  2. Run the following command to install the provider:

    tofu init
  3. Run the following command to check the provider is correctly installed.

    tofu providers | grep nullplatform

    If installed correctly, you should see an output similar to:

    ├── provider[]


To authenticate, configure the provider with an API key. You can set the API key either as a variable or use the NULLPLATFORM_API_KEY environment variable.

provider "nullplatform" {
api_key = var.nullplatform_api_key

See our API keys docs for more info.

Next steps

Refer to our IaC provider plugin for additional documentation, including resource details and configuration examples.